Biophysical Models
Published: 10/2/2017
Biophysical models simulate vegetation as the determinant in land surface interaction with the atmosphere. The simulated land/atmosphere exchange processes involve several budgetary calculations:
- surface energy budget:
- calculate net surface radiation,
- including albedo and
- partitions between latent sensible and ground heat fluxes;
- surface water balance:
- canopy transpiration,
- interception evaporation by canopy,
- ground evaporation,
- runoff,
- soil moisture,
- canopy water,
- and snow water equivalent;
- The model also calculates:
- Carbon fluxes,
- air turbulence,
- stomatal resistance,
- and soil and air temperatures;
The model INPUTs include:
- Meteorological forcing
- Downward shortwave radiation [W/m2]
- Downward longwave radiation [W/m2]
- Surface air pressure [Pa]
- Precipitation rate [mm/sec]
- Air temperature [K] at the reference height
- Air moisture/humidity [kg/kg]
- Wind velocity at reference height [m/s]
- CO2 concentration [ppm]
The Simplified Simple Biosphere (SSiB) model [Xue et al., 1991, 1996 (SSiB-1), Sun and Xue, 2001 (SSiB-3), Zhan et al., 2003 (SSiB-2), Zhang et al, 2015 (SSiB-4)] was written in FORTRAN 77 and 90 languages to run on UNIX workstations and used GrADS to displaying the simulation results.
The land scheme simulates
- soil evaporation and vegetation evapotranspiration;
- runoff, soil moisture, and snow changes;
- Radiation, energy, and CO2 transfers and budgets;
- interactions between the vegetated land surface and the lower troposphere